Friday, November 22, 2013

My memory.......

Today I was driving to work in silence again.  This is something I do often, because I just NEED silence.  I crave it sometimes.  A few weeks ago, I drove "home" (to my hometown, which is two hours away from my actual home) in silence.  I have NEVER done that before.  I love what happens when I'm driving in silence, though.  I start remembering things from my childhood.  This morning I had a memory from when I was four years old.  Once I got to work, I started making my coffee and doing my usual things.  I thought to myself "I was four when this happened.  Miss P is almost four.  I'm making memories with her NOW that she is going to remember when she's 31 years old."  That's amazing to me.  It reminded me that I need to make sure that I'm making awesome memories with her.  It also reminded me that it's the small things that make the best memories, therefore it is the small things that make these "awesome" memories that I'm referring to.  I will share mine with you. 

Since I was four, it was sometime in 1986.  It was one of the weekends I got to stay the night with my Grandma Donna and Grandpa John.  A lot of you know the house that I grew up in, because it's the one that Will and Travis Fernandez' mom Paula owns.  Yep.  That's the one.  The house my grandparents lived in when I was a child.  I grew up there and I remember every square inch of crazy wallpaper and every square inch of bar space in that kitchen.  The hump in the middle of the kitchen floor?  Yep.  I rolled over that a thousand times in my fisher price roller skates.  I helped my mom and grandma make cinnamon rolls, cookies, snickerdoodles, banana bread, plum jelly, and many....MANY....other things on that counter top. 

My memory today starts with me laying in what I remember as "the yellow flower room".  My grandma loved flowers and her favorite was the Iris.  The bedroom I slept in when I stayed the night was bright yellow and white and full of light.  So, I called it the yellow flower room....haha!  It sat right at the corner of both hallways.  The air conditioning vents were in the ceiling and the whistle they made combined with the clicking and chiming of my grandpa John's clock on the mantle are what ALWAYS put me to sleep at night.  I would always hear the clock chime at 6 am and shortly after that, I'd hear grandpa John roll out of bed and walk down the hallway towards the kitchen.  I knew he was headed there because he always walked over a place in the hallway where the wood made a creaking sound.  Then I'd hear him cough a few times.  Then I'd hear the coffee brewing and then I'd SMELL the coffee.  Oh, and just so you know, this is where my coffee addiction came from.  Not every time, but sometimes I'd crawl out of bed and go sit by grandpa on the little padded stools they had sitting at the bar.  He coined the phrase "coffee milk" (which was more like sugar milk with a smidge of coffee) and would ask me if I'd like some.  Of course, I said yes.  I always said yes because coffee milk was the bomb.  At some point during this particular morning I'm remembering, he turned on Bozo the Clown.  (Sooooooo 80's retro!!!)  I wanted to play the grand prize game so badly that it hurt.  I always told him that I wanted to play the grand prize  So he found a ping pong ball and a few random buckets and made my own and from that day on, we played it whenever we wanted to.  There was no fancy game that he bought me at the store for a hundred dollars.  He used a couple of fishing buckets, an empty butter container and a bucket that held ashes from the fireplace during the winter.  I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.  I remember thinking "all of that stuff was hiding in the SAME closet that Snickey Snake and Mister BEAN are living in!!!"  haha.  That's how I know for a fact that I was four.  Snickey Snake and Mister Bean were as real as it got for me and I was just as happy, probably MORE happy, with a few run down items and a ping pong ball as my "grand prize game". 

My memory ended there, but I have these memories all the time.  I'm pretty sure I'm having them to remind me to stay grounded.  To stay simple with the girls.  Even though we have gadgets in our home, the girls don't "need" gadgets.  They have all the gadgets they need outside in the back yard and all around us.  I tested this the other day by giving Miss P and Miss G a couple of my wooden cooking spoons, two pots, one plastic mixing bowl and two spoons.  Not even five minutes later, Miss P came to me with a foot in each pot, the bowl on her head, a wooden spoon in each hand and the spoon stuck to her nose.  She was an "alien" from planet "Sophia".  I don't even know what that means, but they both took turns wearing the "space helmet" and sliding around in "space shoes".  Hopefully I am around for a long time, but if for some reason I'm not, I want both of my girls to have memories of me and our family like I have of my family.  Not just my grandpa, but my entire family.  Because they are the absolute best and I love that they are mine.  =) 

Friday, January 18, 2013


Seriously, I've had this blog how long now and I can't remember to use it?  *sigh*  Oh well.  I guess this day is as good as any to get back on track. 

Well, my last post was chock full of pictures of my growing belly and my barely two year old.  Boy oh boy how things have changed.  I gave birth to my sweet bundle of joy, Miss G, in June.  (I know, I's January.  I've been a little busy raising kids.  lol)  Going from one kiddo to two was a huge obstacle for me to overcome.  In fact, I'm still trying to figure it all out!  ha!  Miss G was just a shock to me because she is SO much different than her big sister.  Breastfeeding was a challenge with Miss P just because she was sooooooo lazy and didn't want to take time to learn how to latch.  I had to MAKE her learn.  LOL!  The lactation consultant I was using called her a "gourmet" eater because she took her least 30-45 minutes per session.  Miss G, on the other hand, was labeled as a "barracuda" eater.  Five to ten minute sessions and she wants to nurse constantly throughout the day if I am home.  I thought I wasn't making enough milk, but boy was I wrong.  I have plenty.  Grossed out yet?  Good.  LOL!

Fast forward to now.  We've been having fun with both of the girls, but getting a steady routine down with two completely different children has been challenging.  Miss P has always been a great eater and sleeper.  I say a great eater....psh....nowadays all she wants is chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, "cranoda" bars, string cheese, anything with 2047384758 grams of sugar in it.....and oh, and any kind of frozen berry.  She asks for these things CONSTANTLY and will not give up until she gets it.  Raising a toddler is soooooo much fun!  (<------sarcasm nbsp="nbsp">It has been tough, but with the help of Mr. Spoon and our handy dandy time out chair, I think we're paving the way to the land of children who mind and don't talk back.  We shall see!!!!  We have a wonderful nanny who always tells me that Miss P will let her know when naptime is and she will proceed to go and put herself in bed and go to sleep on her own.  I have yet to witness this and I seriously think she is lying.  (LOL....j/k Brit!)  Miss P is hilarious, though.  I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would have such a crazy child and I love her so much! 

Miss G.  Ohhhh Miss G.  She's my crazy baby.  She just turned 7 months old and is already wanting to stand up and walk.  A little over a month ago I was at our changing table wiping Miss P's butt (that's another story for another blog) and I had sat Miss G down in her crib.  I then heard her sweet little laugh, so I turned around to see what she was laughing at.  She had pulled herself up and was standing for the first time.   Yay!  I was excited.  She actually stood before she could crawl well.  Now she does both and does them often.  She is starting to crawl fast and will follow me all over the house.  With Miss P we had baby gates and got rid of them after we didn't need them anymore.  I'm not sure what we're going to do with Miss G, but for now she is roaming free!  Miss P slept through the night at 7 weeks and Miss G has no signs of sleeping through the night in my near future.  That's okay though, because I am enjoying having her this small and I am also enjoying the funny, crazy, ignoring, loving, and tender moments I get from Miss P.  Being a momma is not easy and I'm sure every momma will agree, but it is most definitely the most rewarding job I've ever had. 

That's all for now.  Hope everyone is having a terrific Friday!  Hopefully I remember to update soon!  haha! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

All sorts of things going on!

Hello blog reader(s).  I know at least one person reads my blog, so I may only be talking to you, Melissa.  haha!  A lot has been going on since I posted my picture post.  I guess I should start by updating on the pregnancy.  Here goes!!

Welcome, 6th month!!!

I have been super tired lately.  Mostly because Miss P has been such a handful, but that is a different story that I will discuss in a second.  Obviously, I wasn't as busy when I was pregnant with her, so I didn't do as much as I do now.  With the amount of cleaning, holding, lifting and what not that is required from my precious 2 year old, I have some crazy Braxton Hicks contractions.  I try to take it easy as much as I can....and trust can definitely tell when you walk into my home.  I just figured that my well being is a little more important than toys being put up all the time, my bathroom being spotless or even the dishes being done.  I also let my laundry go....I do it maybe twice a week!!  *gasp!!!*  

Anyway, with only three short months to go before baby G makes her arrival, I've been doing a ton of preparation.  I'm selling some stuff on craigslist that I don't need, donating some clothes to the Salvation Army and the rest I am either sending to ThredUp's concierge or doing the normal ThredUp thing....aka....stuffing boxes full of clothes and getting some moolah for them.  Not much, but every bit helps.  We basically have to clean out an entire craft/sewing/spare/random things room to make room for Paige's things.  I keep having to motivate my hubby to help me with this.  I guess he didn't learn the first time around when three months left in my pregnancy basically meant two weeks.  HAHA! 

As far as baby G goes, I can definitely feel her kicking me, constantly.  She's very strong in there, just like her big sister.  Her heartbeat has been pretty average, ranging anywhere from 147 to 157 bpm.  My next appointment is my 28th week one in which I will be receiving my Rhogam shot.  That just gives me the shivers.  Ugh.  It hurts.  Take your average shot and multiply the pain ohhhh by like.....a million.  That's what a Rhogam shot feels like.  That's what I get for being O  Oh well, I'd do it a hundred times if it meant that my baby was safe.  Well, here's my 6 month photo:


If any of you have an xbox, you already know what this picture means without me even saying anything about it.  For those of you who don't, it basically means your xbox is fried and needs to be fixed.  Unfortunately for MY husband, this means a three week wait.  I was happy about it until he borrowed an xbox from a friend.  Then I got mad because he just cooooouldn't wait for his to be repaired.  That caused all sorts of discussions about facebook, xbox and how they dominate our lives.  Then we decided that it should be the other way around.  Our children should dominate our lives.  Therefore, we are on a two week, possibly longer, hiatus from facebook and xbox.  I can't log into facebook for any reason and he cannot play any gaming console.  This means we can spend more time with each other.  We both like the idea, even if he acts like he doesn't to his friends.  lol.  He still has his poker night with his buddies and I still have Blogger and Pinterest.  When he is gone I spend my time organizing my weekly menu planner, getting my shopping list in order and figuring out what bills need to be paid when.  It has only been four days but I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me.  I've realized that by forcing ourselves to lay off of the nonsense that controls our lives, the more productive we have been.  It's nice.  I'm not looking forward to these two weeks coming to an end, so maybe we can figure out a way to implement this type of structure into our daily lives.  I don't think we should have to shut down my facebook account or his xbox live account, I just think that there should be a cut off point on how much time we spend on these things a week....or even a day.  I don't NEED it in my life, it's just an extra perk I have and I abuse my time management constantly while I surf around on facebook.  That's my husband/wife compromise story of the month.  Hope you enjoyed it.  HAHA! 

Lastly, I will talk about Miss P.  She has been sicky sick with her ear infections.  We've finally had enough of it and we're seeing an ENT at the end of the month.  It is going to take them TWO weeks to get her in.  If I wasn't already in dentistry and able to understand waiting periods, then the two week wait would tick me off.  I mean, my baby is hurting.  She keeps running a temperature and I am forced to keep pumping medications into her.  I just want her to be evaluated, scheduled for the tubes to be placed and be on with our lives.  She always tells me her ears hurt so I have to place numbing drops in them.  Then her fever goes back up when the ibuprofen wears off and I have to pump more of THAT into her system.  I'm just ready for the tubes to be in and for the fluid to drain out of the ears.  On the upside of this, she is still mostly her perky little self.  She has her moments of "I want to hold you, mommy!!" or "I need you, mommy!!!" and that is more than fine with me.  She won't want to hold me or need me forever, so I am taking it in while I can. 

Well, that's my blog for the week.  I'll leave you with a few pictures of our little joy.  She keeps us busy and very VERY tired.  LOL! 

Everyone have a fantastic day! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lately.......picture post!!!

Random pictures from the past two weeks!

We have gone on wagon rides, painted our toenails together, taken belly pics of baby G, had a slumber party in mommy and daddy's bed, watched Disney movies and cuddled bunches and bunches.

I love my girls!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Guess who is pregnant!!!!!

Again!!!!  Oh my goodness gracious we are excited.  I tested yesterday and I wasn't even suppose to start until this coming Thursday.  I'm an overachiever though, so I knew I had bought one of the "test 6 days before your expected period" tests.....and boy howdy....I was gonna USE that sucker!  At first I sat there, like most of us do, and watched the little oval window with anticipation.  I saw the liquid (okay, the pee) move across the window and a pink line appeared on the right immediately.  Then I saw it.  A faint pink line on the left.  Whaaaat??  I AM??!?  It was 6:56 am and I woke Mr. B up.  He was less than thrilled that I jumped on the bed with excitement but quickly turned his attitude around when he found out why.  I love that man.  Then I texted my mom.  Then I texted her again.  I couldn't for the life of me fathom that anyone else could be sleeping when I was this excited.  LOL.  So I went and slept for another 30 minutes.  Then Miss P woke up.   

She usually wakes up and cries "mommy!  mommy!" but yesterday she just whined and when I walked in she said "hi mommy!" in her excited voice.  As I went to change her diaper I said "mommy has another baby in her belly, just like you use to be!  Do you want a baby brother or a baby sister??" to which she replied "colors".  LOL!  So I guess she doesn't care as long as it comes out pink or green which are her two favorite, as she would pronounce them, "cuwars".  Gotta love it. 

So all day long I was excited and then it hit me at about 7:00 as I was cooking dinner.  "OMG....I'm PREGNANT."  Then I started thinking "how am I going to pay for two children in daycare, Miss P needs to be potty trained, how am I going to tell my boss since I have a co-worker who is about to have HER baby, what if I have to switch daycares because they might not have an opening for a newborn"....etc etc.  I basically freaked out.  Mr. B did a little too.  Then we decided that we would cross those bridges when we got there.  I do know that I will be having a MASSIVE garage sale in the next 4-5 months.  If you know me and you want some crap....come on over.  I have a junk room/guest bedroom that I need to clear EVERYTHING out of in order to make another bedroom for my "children"!  That sounds so awesome!  My children! 

Well, I guess I will end by showing you guys a picture of my lovely pee stick.  Yes, I took a picture of it.  Everyone else does too!  This line is so faint that you can barely see it.....but it's there!!!!!!!!!!!  So yay!  I'm ready to do this all over again!