Monday, October 3, 2011

Guess who is pregnant!!!!!

Again!!!!  Oh my goodness gracious we are excited.  I tested yesterday and I wasn't even suppose to start until this coming Thursday.  I'm an overachiever though, so I knew I had bought one of the "test 6 days before your expected period" tests.....and boy howdy....I was gonna USE that sucker!  At first I sat there, like most of us do, and watched the little oval window with anticipation.  I saw the liquid (okay, the pee) move across the window and a pink line appeared on the right immediately.  Then I saw it.  A faint pink line on the left.  Whaaaat??  I AM??!?  It was 6:56 am and I woke Mr. B up.  He was less than thrilled that I jumped on the bed with excitement but quickly turned his attitude around when he found out why.  I love that man.  Then I texted my mom.  Then I texted her again.  I couldn't for the life of me fathom that anyone else could be sleeping when I was this excited.  LOL.  So I went and slept for another 30 minutes.  Then Miss P woke up.   

She usually wakes up and cries "mommy!  mommy!" but yesterday she just whined and when I walked in she said "hi mommy!" in her excited voice.  As I went to change her diaper I said "mommy has another baby in her belly, just like you use to be!  Do you want a baby brother or a baby sister??" to which she replied "colors".  LOL!  So I guess she doesn't care as long as it comes out pink or green which are her two favorite, as she would pronounce them, "cuwars".  Gotta love it. 

So all day long I was excited and then it hit me at about 7:00 as I was cooking dinner.  "OMG....I'm PREGNANT."  Then I started thinking "how am I going to pay for two children in daycare, Miss P needs to be potty trained, how am I going to tell my boss since I have a co-worker who is about to have HER baby, what if I have to switch daycares because they might not have an opening for a newborn"....etc etc.  I basically freaked out.  Mr. B did a little too.  Then we decided that we would cross those bridges when we got there.  I do know that I will be having a MASSIVE garage sale in the next 4-5 months.  If you know me and you want some crap....come on over.  I have a junk room/guest bedroom that I need to clear EVERYTHING out of in order to make another bedroom for my "children"!  That sounds so awesome!  My children! 

Well, I guess I will end by showing you guys a picture of my lovely pee stick.  Yes, I took a picture of it.  Everyone else does too!  This line is so faint that you can barely see it.....but it's there!!!!!!!!!!!  So yay!  I'm ready to do this all over again! 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy 4th of July weekend!!!

Hello everyone!  So, I have been on blog hunts again, except this time I am searching home decor/remodeling blogs rather than crafty blogs.  Mr. B is about to kill me!  haha!  He keeps asking me what I have planned and how long it will take me to complete it.  When I told him that I wanted to re-paint the kitchen and paint/stain the kitchen cabinets, I thought he was going to freak!  His words, and I quote, were "well you just go right ahead and have fun with that."....haha!  He helped paint the living room and kitchen the first time and he told me then that I had better like the color because he wasn't doing it again.  I did at the time, but now I need something new and fresh.  I get bored of the way things look sometimes and I want to move furniture, paint, do big projects....etc.  I'm about to go to bed so this isn't going to be a long blog.  I just wanted to share one that I found.  This lady went into her local thrift store and found some matching side tables (which I have been trying to hunt down myself for over a year).  I have GOT to start seeing the beauty in things because I would have looked right over these.  I think I am going to try my hand at the Salvation Army tomorrow just to see if I can find any hidden treasure.  You never know.  Anyway, all she did was sand these beauties down and paint the wood and the hardware.  I was in love.  It can't be that I am going to try it out Monday while Mr. B is at work....IF I can find something to paint.  So here's the site!  If you like redecorating sites, you will really like this one.  Goodnight!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Hello all!  I haven't posted in quite some time.  I am still here! 

A lot has gone on since I posted last.  Miss P turned one!  She is actually 16 months old now and acts like she is 16 YEARS old!  She is so busy!  I took a video of her yesterday climbing over the couch...she is a monkey!  She has three favorite television shows that she freaks out about; Dora, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and The Wonderpets.  She has Dora sippy cups and she will point to her and say "Doda".....haha!  She says plenty of words and it is hard to keep up.  Yelling for "momma" seems to be her favorite thing to do lately.  She calls for me when she wakes up, when she's tired, when she has a problem or when she wants to show someone something.  It use to be "daddy" constantly and I thought "when is she going to call for MEEE??!?".  Now that she does.....constantly.......I think "can she just yell for her daddy ONE time???!!!"....haha!  she is also obsessed with shoes and will yell "shooose.....shoooose!" anytime she sees some.  It is interesting to walk through the shoe section in the store because she screams it.  Gah, I love this kid!  She eats pretty much anything you put in front of her and she LOVES mushrooms which is something she OBVIOUSLY gets from her daddy.  ;)

Yesterday was a busy busy day for me.  I had my Mirena removed and cut my long hair to my shoulders.  Yep....that's right....I am ready for another baby AND I have a mom haircut.  haha!  So, I guess all I can do now is just wait until I see those exciting two pink lines.  =)  I had the Mirena placed because I figured we'd wait a while until our next kiddo.  Then I got to thinking how I really wanted to be finished having children by the time I was 35.  Soooo....we decided that we would wait until Miss P was at least a year and a half old before we tried again. 

So what am I doing in my spare time right now?  Not very much....haha!  I am on the hunt for a old timey buffet table with lots of storage, though.  If anyone knows of one or wants to get rid of one, give me a shout.  I want to re-do one and I have the perfect place for it.  I have been having this nagging itch to redecorate my house for about a year.  I am tired of my living room and dining/kitchen I am going to pick a friends brain for some ideas on making those areas my own.  I have tons and tons of ideas.  Here are just a few: 

I want to paint my yellowish wooden cabinets an off white color and put a black stain/glaze on top of it.  I love this look.  All of my appliances are black so I think this would look great!  I also like the granite....and whenever we get our roof fixed (six years from now??  LOL) we will update our countertops.  Until we get the extra cash, the blue laminate stuff will have to do.  *gag!!*

As far as my living room goes, a little paint and creativity go a looooooong way.  First of all, I would LOVE to paint and stain the wood around the fireplace.  It would completely change the look of the room.  After looking at the picture below, I LOVE the 3 mirrors on the wall.  I think I will be visiting Hobby Lobby very soon. 

I also have dreams of having my television hang above my fireplace.  My fireplace is PERFECT for this....we just have a huge projection tv taking up most of the space in our living room.  When Mr. B is ready to get rid of it, we will get one that we can mount above the fireplace.  Anyway, this next photo is a little too clean and bland for MY taste, but I love the wall color and I like how they threw some zebra print in there.  I plan on adding some red and/or green into the mix to give the area some color.  This is kind of what I'm wanting, though. 

I also love incorporating green.  It is hands down my favorite color and probably always will be.  I think this room is so pretty and clean.  If I had it my way, I would be making a gazillion dollars a year and would spend it mostly on decorating my house........okay, AND buying tons and tons of stuff for Miss P. 

Anyway, that's about all the time I have for now.  Hopefully the next time I post, I will have a room completed and photos to share.  We shall see!  Everyone have a great summer! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I haven't posted since July? haha...I must be busy!

Whaaaat?  It's 2011?? 

I seriously do not know where the time keeps going.  I have tried and tried to keep up with my blog, but with all of the hectic things that life throws my way, it is impossible.  I wish I could go into detail on how crazy my life has been lately, but I have no idea how to put this thing on private (or at least visible to only a few special people) and I don't want the world to know my personal business.  That being said, some things going on lately have really sucked.  I sometimes think that God is testing my strength....because I know that He isn't going to put me through anything I cannot handle.  What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger-----right?  =D 

Well, since I've last updated, my then five month old, now ELEVEN month old has really grown up.  She has four teeth, is walking.....make that RUNNING....all over the place, is into everything, says "da-da" to everyone she sees, has switched daycares once already and is momma's perfect little cupcake.  That is, when she's not screaming because her diaper is dirty or she's tired.  I have her different cries down.  I can always tell Mr. B when she's wet in the middle of the night.  I'll be like "that's her wet cry" or "that's her hungry cry, bring her to me!".  haha!  We mom's are amazing.  I don't mean to toot our horns or anything, (okay, maybe I do) but being a mom is completely exhausting yet we get up every single day and do it.  We cook, clean, do laundry, pick up toys (multiple times a day), give baths, rock babies to sleep, all while somehow finding the time to fit sleeping and bathing ourselves into that mix.  Not to forget the romance with our husbands!  That's the best part!!!  Speaking of romance, kind of, we have decided that we're going to try for another baby in August.  Hopefully we can make a boy this time!  Mr. B needs someone to throw the football around with.  Or race cars.  Or basketball.  Just NO XBOX!  EVER!  haha! 

Well, all that talk about being a mom has worn me out.  It's 10:15 on a work night and that's way too late for me.  =D  I hope everyone has had a fantastic day and tomorrow is THURSDAY!!  One more day until Friday!!!!  Goodnight all!!!