Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello Happy Post!

July is almost over. 

Really?  I mean, WHERE did it go?!?

It seems like yesterday when I was laying in a hospital bed, staring at a beautiful newborn baby.  Now she's sitting here with her tiny little hand on mine and she'll be 5 1/2 months old next week.  She is in awe of how fast my fingers type and now she wants to knaw on my wrist.  I just have to laugh at her because when she bites on anything, all I see is a steady stream of drool.  Yes, this includes my wrist right now.  I am covered in sweet little baby slobber, and you know what?  I love it.  Of course I would though.  If you know me at all then you know that I have a super baby fetish.  It's only natural that I love my own more than my life.  *sigh*  I miss her newborn days, yet I absolutely love how she's growing up and becoming her own little person.  She has such a wonderful personality.....but beware....because she has quite the temper as well!  Haha!  The other day at my parents house, my mom asked her if she loved her Nana.  LOL...It sounded JUST like she said "hell yeah" and my mom will verify this.  We laughed our butts off.  Since she's 5 months old, she is in what I refer to as the "banging" stage.  She hits whatever is in her hand on whatever hard surface she can find.  Sometimes that includes her head, which upsets me because she has scratched herself underneath her eye with a toy.  How?  I'm still not sure, because none of her toys are sharp.  It's just a little scratch...but still.....momma doesn't like it!  haha!  I am still holding out for her first word to be "mommy" but I'm pretty sure it will be "daddy" instead.  That just seems like an easier word for a baby to say first.  It could be either one of those though, since we're both in her face daily reciting our "titles" over and over.  Who knows....her first words may be "Shiloh...NO!"....haha! 

I had my first big sale on my Etsy last week.  I actually made a custom order for a lady in Michigan.  THAT was fun.  Now I know what all goes into shipping a 16" by 20" memory board.  Toooootally not as easy (or as cheap) as I thought it was going to be, but now I have an idea of how much to charge people.  I've been spending what spare time I have making bows and flip flops.  I know that flip flop season is almost over, but I've made some cute ones, so now I just need to get them posted.  Anyway, enough with the boring stuff.  Let's talk about Big Brother...baha. 

Oh.....em.....gee.  I cannot STAND Rachel.  Seriously, her voice annoys me on a level that is unTHINKable.  She's a  I think she's psychotic.  No, I'm serious.  She's been in a house with a dude (who happens to be the cutest dude in the house---what are you THINKING Brendan?!?) and she's in love with him already.  Are you kidding me?  How?!?  And she thinks everyone is after "her man".  Why does she keep saying that?  It grosses me out. 

Britney is just mean.  I cannot stand catty girls and Britney is their ring leader.  Well, along with Monet she was.  I'm interested to see how she acts when she's on her own.  I bet she straightens up.  I would like her if she wasn't such a catty witch. 

Okay, I've been working on this blog for three hours now.  It's hard to juggle writing blogs, keeping up with crafting projects, posting items to my online shop, being a wife, cooking dinner, breastfeeding, changing diapers, and doing laundry all while trying to play on facebook.  HAHAHA!  Okay, okay.  I realize that I have a facebook addiction problem.  The funniest thing to me is how many I have introduced to the world of online blogging and networking.  It started with myspace and I told practically everyone I met about it.  Then they got one and I stalked them all.  (good stalking, of course.  I love to hear what people have been up to and see their pictures.)  Then we all switched to facebook.  I'm not moving again.  This is where I'll stay.  Quote me on this because I do NOT need any more distractions in my life, I already have enough. 

Okay, I've rambled on enough. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wedding, 4th of July, Sewing Machine, Rain, Baby Shower, and other things


I've been gone for a while.  Mostly reading other blogs and running out of time to write my own...haha!  I've been doing quite a lot since my last blog post.  I started an Etsy shop where I am selling my bows and bow holders.  I first got the idea to make bows after wondering why I kept paying bukus of money on something that I could just make for myself.  Then, after making about 20 bows, I thought "why am I not selling these like other people, that way I can MAKE a ton of money from people that haven't figured out how to make them yet?" there you have it.  I'm selling the bows I make and the holders to clip them on. 


Sorry I don't have any pictures of them, but if you're interested or just curious, you can link to my etsy shop on the left side of my page.  =) 

4th of July

This 4th of July was pretty uneventful.  It rained the ENTIRE day and rained out the city fireworks display.  Bummer.  Then I found out they are setting them off on November 6th.  What?  What for?  It confuses me, but whatever.  Paige will be older then and she will enjoy it a bit more.  Speaking of Paige, I dolled her up in her "First 4th of July" attire from her aunt Tonya.  She was adorable. 

I thought she was going to be afraid of the loud fireworks that we set off at her uncle Adam's parents house, but she LOVED them!  Infact, she watched the big ones from the ground up and her mouth hung wide open when they popped.  She's seriously the most amazing baby ever. 

Tonya and Adam's Wedding

Aren't they such a cute couple??  They got married in Vegas at a tiny chapel called Chapel of the Flowers.  Technology has blown me away because we got to watch the entire thing live via webcam.  The chapel offers that for anyone who cannot make the wedding.  I thought it was really neat but, of course, wish we could have been there. 

Sewing Machine!Thanks to Ashley at Make It and Love It , I have become quite a crafter. (Don't you love how I've learned how to link instead of pasting the entire web address in my entry?  bahaha!)   She has added a series called the "Bake-a-cake series" and I am in love with it as well.  I've already made fondant and covered cakes with it and decorated the cake with all sorts of different fondant cut outs.  It tastes good thanks Brittany, whoever you are.  I already feel like I know these people and I'm clear across the country from them.

Back to my sewing machine.  Since I'm a beginner, Travis wouldn't let me buy any kind of expensive sewing machine.  So I was like "helloooooo craigslist!!!" and began my search.  I found one that was $40 and in the town 5 miles north of where I live.  I figured it would be sold already, but when I called about it she wanted to meet me that exact moment.  So I got me a Brother sewing machine (Walmart brand) for half of what it goes for at Wally World.  It's only a month old and she said it didn't do the button holes like she wanted so she got her a better one.  Her trash is my treasure, because I love it.  I'm sure I'll name it soon...I haven't reached that point yet.  BUT...I have already mastered the gathering stitch as well as some other stuff.  I can't wait to re-do an old high chair that has been sitting in my garage.  Ashley did it on her blog and I went out and bought the fabric I wanted and the batting as well.  I will have it finished by Sunday and I'll post pictures!  I'm so excited!!!!


One of my good friends is having a baby girl on August 9th and I'm SUPER excited.  She's naming her Madeline and she's going to be my Paige's best friend!  (or at least we hope so!)

I decided to throw her a baby shower since no one offered.  (I like to let best friends and/or family offer first before I just jump on it.)  When I found out that no one had offered, I jumped at the opportunity.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of my wonderful masterpiece.  It really was an amazing shower.  I had it at my house and people actually asked me if I was a party planner.  I laughed and said "no, why would you think that?!?" and this one lady said "because your shower looks like it has been professionally planned, decorated and the food looks like it's been catered."  HAHA!  Nope lady!  That's just me being suuuuuuuper anal about things being perfect.  I made every single food item from scratch and made a lot of the decorations from ideas I found here on Blogger.  *sigh*  I should just decorate my house from Blogger ideas.  I will probably do that evenutally.  I won't lie.  HAHA!

The Other Things 

I figured I'd end this blog with a couple of Paige pictures.  She's growing up so fast.  She'll be 5 months old on the 15th.  Sometimes I wonder where the time has gone, but I try not to dwell on it because I want to cherish as many moments as I can with her.  She's not mobile (yet) but is getting very close to crawling.  As soon as she crawls we have to get a new stove.  It's a lot story, but basically our current stove isn't insulated and will burn you if you touch it from the outside.  THAT'S not going to work with a baby in the house.  Therefore, it's a win/win for me because my baby will be safe AND I get a new stoooveee!!!  Woo hoo!!!!!  

Here are a couple of pictures of my girly girl.  Enjoy!