This weekend has turned out to be pretty crazy.
We went to McNellie's to celebrate a friends birthday. He turned 26. (must be nice.) I had two vodka tonics and that was the most I've had since I found out I was pregnant with Miss P. When I stood up it felt like I had drank enough to tranquilize an elephant. I don't think I'll be doing that again!
Here's a picture of my sister in law and me at McNellies:
and this is the birthday boy:
He would probably kill me if he knew I was posting a picture of him eating on my blog. haha!
When we got back to the house, there were a gazillion june bugs in his entry way! It was crazy, so naturally, I had to document the historic moment with my camera. haha!
My sister in law is getting married a week from today in Vegas. I'm really excited for her. Since they decided to get married in Vegas, she wasn't sure if it was okay for someone to throw her a wedding shower. I thought about it for a couple of days and thought "what the heck, she needs one.". But after the time it took for me to decide that I wanted to throw her one, someone else had already taken over. That's alright! I've got the girly party all lined up.
This is the happy couple.
Today my mother in law and I went to Kohl's and we pretty much devoured her registry there. Then it took everything in my power not to buy something for myself. I did end up getting Mr. B two new pairs of shorts for father's day. I ended up giving them to him about 2 hours ago....haha. I can't keep surprises from people, I get so excited to give them their gifts.
Now that we're home, Miss P is konked. She has been asleep for almost 2 hours. That's what happens when she only gets a 30 minute nap from 8:30 in the morning until 2 hours ago...haha! My child loves people, so she will wait until she absolutely passes out if there are people around her. It's funny.
This is Miss P. Right now. As I type this. She is sleeping next to me on the couch. Isn't she sweet?
I guess since it's 7 o'clock I should prepare to feed my family. HAHA! I'll end by saying that even though the weekend is here, it really doesn't feel like the weekend at all. I was up early this morning and I'll be up early tomorrow morning. I will be looking forward to some sleep in my near future. Hope everyone has a great Saturday night. I think it's movie and popcorn night for us. It may take us 4 hours to watch a movie, but at least we get to watch it with the best snuggle bunny on earth. Happy Saturday everyone. =)